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In silico prediction software SIFT PolyPhen CADD
In silico prediction software, SIFT [51], PolyPhen2 [52], CADD [53], and other prediction systems are useful to evaluate a specific mutation which is detected in a patient. However, even if the in silico software predicts a mutation as pathogenic, we need to examine whether the genetic result is com
La descripci n arquitect nica de
La descripción arquitectónica de la quinta es heterogénea, extensa, precisa, sugerente, sin duda uno de los pasajes en El fistol del diablo más revisados y pulidos por Payno, con la totalidad de la novela en mente, por lo tanto pleno de simbolismo histórico-cultural y de presagios. Por principio, el
To assess quality independent from quantity Imamura and
To assess quality independent from quantity, Imamura and colleagues assessed dietary intake adjusted for 2000 kcal per day. An unfortunate consequence of this adjustment is that the role of unrestrained energy intake in the obesity and diabetes epidemics seems to be rendered obsolete. For example, i
Desde la perspectiva expuesta la etnicidad
Desde la perspectiva expuesta, la etnicidad constituye una dimensión potencial de la identidad, fundamentada en un conjunto de elementos que, al seguir la tradición weberiana, pueden abarcar la percepción de origen, cultura, idioma o rasgos fenotípicos compartidos por un conjunto de personas. La adq
En Por qu construir un
En “\"Por qué construir un pueblo es la tarea de la política radical?”, Laclau profundiza una tensión en su teoría en el marco de la respuesta (-)-p-Bromotetramisole Oxalate Slavoj zžek. Por un lado, la formalidad de la lógica populista, en principio, impide predicar sus alcances en cuanto a la demo
br We recently reported associations between
We recently reported associations between maternal age at childbirth and outcomes in the offspring, using data from five birth cohorts (COHORTS collaboration) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), in . Young maternal age ( Antimicrobial resistance is recognised as a serious global he
br Role of p MAPK signaling in
Role of p38 MAPK signaling in mutated state or compromised function of p53 The tumor suppressor gene p53 functions as a central node in cellular mechanisms preserving genomic integrity in response to both genotoxic and non-genotoxic stress either by inducing apoptosis or by arresting get married
br Acknowledgments This study was supported by a grant from
Acknowledgments This study was supported by a grant from the National Science Council (NSC 98-2314-B-075B-007-MY2). Introduction Many complications may occur following treatment of femoral shaft open fracture such as nonunion, malunion, delay union, bone defect, bone and joint deformity or st
However during pacing at the most proximal CS electrodes CS
However, during pacing at the most proximal CS electrodes (CS 9–10), although the conduction time to the CS 1–2 was prolonged, the septal to lateral activation sequence (CS 5–6 to CS 3–4 to CS 1–2) indicated the presence of residual conduction on the MI line (Fig. 3B). Detailed mapping on the MI lin
br Case report A years old
Case report A 51-years-old man visited our hospital presenting with a palpable mass over the right inguinal area which had persisted for 3 months. This lesion was approximately 3–4 cm, firm and had progressively enlarged. Laboratory data showed no remarkable anomaly except elevated lactate dehydr
It is established that hypoxia
It is established that hypoxia can induce autophagy [32,34–37]. We evidenced the autophagic activation in the cultured human osteosarcoma MG-63 EZ Cap Reagent AG (3\' OMe) after incubation in 1% O2 for 24h. The concomitantly elevated LC3 protein levels with HIF-1α high expression on OS tissue secti
Two years later he complained of two ICD shocks
Two years later, he complained of two ICD shocks during a dance party. The possibility of lead fracture or electromagnetic interference was completely excluded after several examinations. Intracardiac electrograms showed that all delivered shocks were inappropriate therapies due to TWOS. The R wave
Cierto es que Aub armar
Cierto es que Aub armará otras novelas de artista semejantes opioid receptors Jusep Torres Campalans en cuanto a modularidad y ambigüedad. Si Vida y obra de Luis Álvarez Petreña, que conoce una primera parte en 1934 y sendas ampliaciones en 1964 y 1970, se basa en la patraña del legado textual de un
Social determinants are the lived conditions ie
Social determinants are the lived conditions (ie, social and economic) that influence wellbeing, and environmental influences on behaviour are those assessed with the health behaviour theory. Stages of change models (ie, those that recognise health behaviour as a series of progressive steps leading
Illicit financial flight is the unrecorded
Illicit financial flight is the unrecorded movement of capital out of a country in contravention of the regulations of that country. The main mechanism used to undertake this is multinational companies shifting their tax liabilities to sister companies located in low tax jurisdictions, also known as
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